Are you planning a DIY regrouting project? Are you aware of grout haze or is this the first time you have heard the term? This blog post will explore the concept of grout haze and why DIY regrouting often leads to grout haze and what you should do to avoid it.
Firstly, we need to understand what grout actually is. Grout is a mix of cement, minerals and water. As you use grout between tiles, some part of it will always end up on the tile’s surface. Eventually, water dries and leaves behind mineral residue on the surface of the tile. This part is completely normal.
In most cases, a rubber float is used for pulling grout across the tile surface which leads to grout covering the entire tile. While the rubber float takes off most of the grout of the tile surface, a thin film typically remains and this film is known as grout haze.
Grout haze is often a result of waiting too long before wiping the grout off. As explained above, this haze is a result of minerals remaining on the tile surface once the water evaporates.
This is why grouting professionals always clean out the excess grout right away. They typically work in small sections and patiently cleanly the tile surface completely in order to prevent grout haze. If the grout remains on the surface of the tile for more than 30 minutes, it is much more likely to result in grout haze. In some cases, grout haze may form after a few days.
There is nothing wrong with DIY regrouting. The materials for regrouting are easily available and you might be able to save some money if you do it on your own. However, grout haze is a real danger and if you do not have the experience, it is much more likely to happen. In fact, this haze can form even after a few days have passed after regrouting. You certainly don’t want grout haze on your tiles after spending so much time and money on your project.
The best way to avoid the possibility of grout haze is to hire the services of regrouting professionals. These professionals have plenty of experience and necessary cleaning supplies to make sure grout doesn’t form. They will also make sure that grout is removed properly and they also know which type of grout is right for your project.
Cleaning grout haze is a time-consuming process. You will need a commercial grout remover. These are easily available at home improvement stores, tile stores as well as hardware stores. You can also order one online. If you want a DIY solution, you could mix four parts of distilled white vinegar with one part of cool water and use this mix for removing grout haze.
You should start the cleaning process as soon as the grout is cured. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours but you should read the instructions on the packaging. A rule of thumb is to start as early as possible. Once you are ready, clean the surface thoroughly and dampen it with the help of a wet mop.
Put on gloves and mix the commercial grout haze remover with water as per the instructions on the box. Also, keep some water ready in another bucket for rinsing. Take a brush with nylon bristles and dip it. Scrub the surface of the tile with this brush.
The key here is to work in small areas and keep working in those areas to clean the grout completely. After scrubbing the surface with the brush, use clean water to rinse the tile surface. Keep repeating this process in small circles until you have cleaned the entire installation.
There are several things you can do to minimise the risk of grout haze after tile installation. Here are a few tips:
Whether you are planning a new tile installation or thinking of regrouting an existing one, you should be aware of the common pitfalls of DIY regrouting. You need to choose the right materials and apply them in a proper manner. Grout haze is a common problem and more often than not, DIY regrouting is the cause as people are not aware of the right cleaning solutions or are not patient enough to work in small areas to get rid of the haze completely. This is why it is better to hire the services of a regrouting professional to completely avoid the risk of grout haze and have a shining tile surface.
Regrouting is a time-consuming process. There are a variety of types of grout available and you need to use the right one for your tiles. The cleaning professionals at Slique have years of experience in tile cleaning and restoration. We have an excellent reputation for reliable and timely services at affordable prices.
For all your tile restoration and cleaning needs in Sydney, please call SLIQUE today on 02 9648 0395, or you can leave an inquiry.