Quick Guide To Removing Rust Stains From Marble

Quick Guide To Removing Rust Stains From Marble

Quick Guide Removing Rust Stains From Marble

Have you noticed rust stains on your marble floors or benchtops? How long have these stains been there? Have you tried anything to remove them? 

If there is one thing that can be said with certainty about rust stains on marble, it is that removing these stains is going to test your patience, especially if you try one of the hundreds of rust stain removal products available in the market today. 

Marble tile cleaning is a very challenging process so please read below to learn what you need to know about removing rust stains from marble.

Removing Rust Stains From Marble

Here is the step by step process for removal of rust stains from marble:

1.  The first step in the process is figuring out the source of rust stains as that is going to decide the method to be used for removal of rust. It could happen due to various reasons.

For example, a metal object such as a pot plant could have left a rust stain on the marble floor. Another reason could be the wet environment leading to rust on marble in a shower or outdoor deck. 

2. Depending on the source, different methods need to be used.

3. If it is due to an object such as a metal pot plant, it is relatively easy. Usually, these stains are on the surface and recent. These are typically red-brown in colour. 

Quick Guide Removing Rust Stains From Marble

4. To remove this kind of a stain, you will need to prepare a poultice. A poultice is a mixed base that has the consistency of peanut butter. There are a number of recipes available online for preparing poultice but the right ingredients need to be used in order to have any effect. Different types of stains require different types of chemicals to be used for the poultice to be effective.

5. In addition to various DIY solutions, there are hundreds of poultice stain removers available in the market. Regardless of the type of poultice chosen, the application process remains the same. 

The area needs to be cleaned and dried and then the poultice needs to be applied. It should be covered with plastic wrap in order to keep the moisture in.

Poultice works by slowly drawing in the rust stains from the marble surface. The poultice should be kept there for 24 to 48 hours. It should only be removed once it is completely dry.

6. A scraper is then used to remove the dry poultice. If the rust stains are still there, the process needs to be repeated. Typically, this process needs to be repeated for 2 to 5 times before the rust stains are completely gone.

7. One important thing you need to know is that the ingredients or chemicals used in the poultice for removing rust stains are acidic in nature which means some etching or dullness might happen at the spot where it is applied. The dullness can then be removed with the help of polishing products.

8. If the rust stain happens in a wet environment and not due to a metal object, it could be due to the marble containing iron deposits. These stains tend to be yellow-brownish in colour. Marble in a wet environment can rust if it contains iron deposits. 

As you already know, marble is porous and if water gets into the marble, the iron deposits will start oxidising and the rust stains will bleed through to the marble surface. 

It could happen due to a plumbing leak, cracks in the grout or flooding. It could also happen due to cracks in the foundation or poor grout installation that allows water to get underneath the marble tiles.

If this is the reason for rust stains, the only process available to you is marble restoration or marble replacement.

Quick Guide Removing Rust Stains From Marble

Call A Professional

If you have tried a variety of products marketed as marble rust stain remover and nothing seems to work, it’s time for you to call professionals with experience in removal of marble rust stains. They will check the source of the rust stains and fix the issue, and they will also ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Final Thoughts

As we can see, removing stains from marble is not an easy process and can challenge anybody’s patience. Therefore, it is best for you to take steps to prevent these stains from happening. One of the best ways for you to prevent these stains from appearing on the marble surface is to keep the surface sealed. 

Experts recommend reapplying sealant every few months in order to keep it sealed and to prevent anything from seeping in. Keep in mind that there are penetrative sealers as well as surface level sealers. 

The penetrative sealer gets inside the pores of the marble and prevents anything from seeping in whereas surface level sealers only create a top layer seal that is not as effective as a penetrative sealer.

When it comes to removing rust from your marble floors, you can rely on SLIQUE to help you out. We are Sydney’s number one authority in all things marble.

For all your marble floor cleaning and polishing needs in Sydney, please call SLIQUE today on 02 9648 0395, or you can leave an inquiry.